Young people are out in the world doing incredible things every day to make their communities stronger. On this page, I’ll share three amazing stories each month with you. Please check out the link to learn more, and feel free to share!
Teenagers Kendall Fording, Ashley Pinkston and Lily Jones Organize Peaceful 250 Person Black Lives Matter Rally

“We brought the community together. I met a community that I didn’t even know existed today. United we stand, divided we fall.” — Ashley Pinkston
17-Year-Old ‘Angel’ Cashier Picks Up $173 Grocery Bill for Senior Shopper Who Found Himself Short on Cash
“We’ve seen a lot of older people, and they’re all trying to buy groceries and a lot of placed have run out of stuff, and so the older people are kind of taking the downfall for that.” — Elizabeth Taylor
Teen Spent Saturday Registering People to Vote As They Waited in Line to Try New Popeyes Sandwich
“I believe it is our duty to vote as American citizens and it would be wrong not to exercise our political voice.” — David Ledbetter