
Faith presenting 2

Interview With Faith Qin, Climate Change Scientist

I met 16-year-old Faith Qin at the Innovations in Climate Resilience conference hosted by Battelle Memorial Institute. Among hundreds of scientists, researchers, and representative from organizations and companies focused on climate change resilience, Faith presented her work on oyster restoration and shoreline rehabilitation. Faith was Battelle’s Youth Climate Challenge award winner, besting hundreds of entries […]

Screenshot – Wylde Wings

Wylde Wings – A Review

Wylde Wings (Hope Well Books, 2022), written by Kate Ristau and illustrated by Brian W. Parker, is my favorite read so far this year. This middle grade fantasy/adventure is packed with everything I love in a contemporary fantasy, including helpful owls, a badass grandmother and lots of tacos. The story centers around Gwyn, a kid […]

Moth Me

Book Review: Me (Moth)

Amber McBride’s novel, Me (Moth), is written in verse, sparse, delicate, weighty and thick, all at the same time. The story focuses on Moth, a 16-year-old grieving the loss of her family after a car accident. Isolated and overflowing with survivor’s guilt, Moth connects with a Sani, a boy struggling through his own pain. This […]


Book On the Way!!

I’m thrilled to announce that my young adult novel, THE APOLOGY BOX, is coming out this winter!! I’m so jazzed to have this book out in the world. I’m especially honored be working with my long-time writing partner and colleague, Cynthia Huijgens with Idle Time Press. Cynthia and I met at an Association for Writers […]

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